Research Study – Effects of Chiropractic Care on Reflux, Feeding, and Sleep
Infant reflux, feeding, and sleep are challenging issues for parents. A pediatric Chiropractor can help ease these issues.
Taking Your Baby To A Chiropractor
Chiropractor adjustments for infants involve light pressure point contacts in strategic areas that can help correct nerve problems, breastfeeding issues, and more.
The Tremendous Tongue
The tongue is an intricate and unique part of the body. In this blog, we discuss the muscles of the tongue and how it works within breastfeeding.
Why Can’t My Baby Breastfeed?
Struggles with breastfeeding are common and you are not alone. In this article I discuss possible issues holding you and your baby back from breastfeeding properly and a path to solutions.
Tongue-Tie in Infants – What Is Tongue-Tie & How You Can Help
Receiving the needed care to address subluxation causing tethered oral tissues, and, if needed, having a surgical release of tongue-tie can be the difference between breastfeeding and not breastfeeding.
What can a Chiropractor do to help with Breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding and Racial Inequality – A Humble Look at this Healthcare Crisis
Failure to Thrive – A Holistic Explanation
A Beginner’s Guide to the Cranial Sacral System
Best Breastfeeding Practices – Interdisciplinary Collaboration
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