The Good Life Learning
Advanced Continuing Education for Chiropractors
and Breastfeeding Professionals featuring:
The Anatomy of Breastfeeding
Types of courses
For Chiropractors and Bodyworkers

Learn to identify cranial, spinal, muscular and dural imbalances relating to breastfeeding as well as how to specifically address them. Gain current research to validate your work. Become familiar with the scope of other birth professionals in order to collaborate, gain referrals and provide the overall best care for your clients. Learn about anatomy of breastfeeding.
For Lactation Consultants and Birth Professionals

Learn specific infant anatomy in order to understand why your patient’s baby is struggling. Learn about the long term physical, emotional, and neurological implications of these issues. Learn about anatomy of breastfeeding. Become familiar with the scope of bodyworkers in order to provide the best support for your clients. Gain evidence based research to support your instincts.
For Breastfeeding

Gain resources to help you successfully breastfeed your baby without pain or struggle. Learn WHY breastfeeding is best. Why are you doing this? Understand how the alignment and
tone of your child’s body effects her development and long term health;
both neurologically and
Mission statement
To make a positive impact on the world, one person at a time,
through our gifts of Healing, Education, and Genuine Care
Absolutely FREE
“Breastfeeding Made Simple(er)”
This 1 hour FREE course is for the parent struggling to feed, for the doctor or Lactation consultant to get quick, easy answers, and to educate anyone to help babies to breastfeed better!
Included is a resource section with studies, articles and educational materials that you can use… absolutely FREE.
If you want to be a true professional, you will do something
outside of yourself. Something to repair tears in your community.
Something to make life a little better for people less fortunate than you.
That’s what I think a meaningful life is living not for oneself, but for one’s community.
-Ruth Bader Ginsburg