Advanced Continuing Education for Chiropractors

and Breastfeeding Professionals

Explore The Good Life Learning Continuing Education


Get your course and learn. Receive your continuing education hours through curated courses made from years of maternal and infant Chiropractic lactation experience.


Our best advanced continuing education courses in your Bundle.  Join The Good Life Learning for one or more of our bundles.


anatomy of breastfeeding the good life learning


The Anatomy of Breastfeeding

For Lactation Consultants and Integrated Professionals


anatomy of breastfeeding the good life learning


The Anatomy of Breastfeeding
For Chiropractors

Lecture PLUS Comprehensive Exam and Technique


anatomy of breastfeeding the good life learning


Tethered Oral Tissues

Facts, Myths and Best Care Practice
Limited time discounted price

Usually $150


anatomy of breastfeeding the good life learning


Social Safety in Healthcare
Opening the Conversation Around Race and Identity in the Chiropractic Office


anatomy of breastfeeding the good life learning


Absolutely Free Course
Breastfeeding Made Simple(er)

Plus research, articles, handouts and more


What our students have to say!

"Dr. Gerner is completely changing the game for lip tie, tongue tie, and latch issues... If you're a professional who works with newborn feeding dysfunction, I can personally attest to the clinical difference that Lynn's seminar has made in our office. She's revolutionizing the approach and saving breastfeeding relationships in the process".

Dr. John Edwards, D.C, DACCP

"Dr. Gerner is deeply knowledgeable, clear and thorough. An excellent educator!"

Laurie Isenberg
Director of Postgraduate & Continuing Education,
Life Chiropractic College West

"I love it when I take a class that makes me stop, put down my pen, and say, 'I am done taking notes. I thought I knew something about this. But evidently I really, really, really don’t.' Lynn Gerner’ course, “Anatomy of Breastfeeding” did that for me... I am feeling so incredibly inspired! Mind completely blown!"

Dr. Caitlin Clarke, D.C.

"I recently completed the “Anatomy of Breastfeeding” course with Dr. Lynn Gerner — and it was AMAZING. If you are a Chiropractor looking to advance your cranial adjusting skills and increase your confidence when working with babies with feeding challenges - this course is for you! Dr. Gerner has a beautiful way of explaining everything in a clear and concise way. I highly recommend this course - you will love it!"

Jessica De Nooij, DC

"The Anatomy of Breastfeeding course is an absolute necessity for every healthcare provider that serves the nursing mother and infant. This is the best post graduate course I’ve taken! The course provided the most comprehensive information in an easy to learn(and enjoy) presentation AND immediate implementation skills to improve my patient care. The course developed a foundational understanding of the importance of breastfeeding, not only for optimum nutrition but life long health."

Marianne Abate-Beavers, DC, CACCP

"Dr. Lynn has a gifted ability to summarize anatomy, teach and simplify techniques that always seemed so complex, and correlate integrative care empowering the ability to serve at a higher level of competency. As a certified pediatric chiropractor, I believe this course is ESSENTIAL to understanding the anatomy and techniques skills necessary to promote a lifetime of wellness through chiropractic care."

Marianne Abate-Beavers, DC, CACCP


anatomy of breastfeeding the good life learning

2 courses

All 12 CE Hours in One Go!
For Chiropractors

Breastfeeding Support PLUS Social Safety


Our mission at the good life learning

To make a positive impact on the world, one person at a time,
through our gifts of Healing, Education, and Genuine Care