Learn the neuro-biomechanical causes of tethered oral tissues, as
well as etiology and best care collaboration based on current research.
In the age of social media, everyone is hearing about the mysterious rise of tongue ties. A study in 2017 found an 834% increase in tongue tie diagnosis in babies from 1997-2012 and an 866% increase in frenotomies (surgery) during that time. Can this really be accurate? Is this the most unheard of genetic catastrophe of all time?
Tethered oral tissues do exist and can prevent your baby from breastfeeding normally. What is often overlooked are the neuro-biomechanical barriers within the baby’s body that affect function. These barriers are cranial/spinal misalignments that interrupt normal physiological function and necessary cranial nerve communication. This commonly occurs during fetal development and during the birth process.
Learn about best
care practices
Can this interference be removed by Chiropractic/ cranial adjustments?
If there is a true tie present-
Can this “bodywork” prepare the baby for the surgical release and improve the outcome?
YES… to each of these statements.
Tethered Oral Tissues
Facts, Myths and Best Care Practice
Limited time discounted price
Usually $150
Learn about
best care
Can this interference be removed by Chiropractic/ cranial adjustments?
If there is a true tie present-
Can this “bodywork” prepare the baby for the surgical release and improve the outcome?
YES… to each of these statements.
In this course we will learn why best care practice includes addressing these neuro-biological imbalances and collaborating between all of the different breastfeeding professionals.